Sunday, March 2, 2014

The forgotten blog

A couple of weeks ago I suddenly got the urge to blog.  I considered what I'd say, and was sure it'd be relevant and witty and worthwhile.  Then I realized that I already had a blog, long forgotten after we moved into this house.....51/2 years ago.  Not much has happened since then.

Or has it?

My son is now 18, has a valid driver's license and has been accepted to college.  Hubby just turned 50.  I've changed jobs 3 times - moved from a medical floor to a rehab floor to a stroke unit, and recently took a job as Team Lead of stroke and rehab units.  I'm half way through a Diabetes Educator program in hopes of getting a job in that area before retiring, both to save my back and my sanity.  Hospital nursing ain't what it used to be.

I've progressed immensely in my knitting since the last post.  I've finally learned dpn's, which means I'm knitting socks.  My stash grew and grew after moving here, especially after Jr moved to the basement bedroom and I took his loft as my office.   Now I'm realizing the stash isn't motivating me, but that's for another post.

Work is taking up far too much time and it's stopping all creativity, so that's a focus of this year.  How do you balance a job that's black/grey/white, full of rules and responsibility, overwhelmed with change and demands and intrusion - if I'm not booked they call daily - with the creativity you know you're capable of, if only the rest of the world would leave you alone long enough to let it out?   2013 was a terrible year for us, professionally and personally, so initially I thought it was enough that 2014 couldn't possibly be worse.  I've decided it'll only get better if I make it better.


Goals for 2014.  Maybe that should be the name of the post.

Number 1, and the only one I'm going to focus on for now - remove all reminders of work from the office and rename the office..... the Studio.

I know.  Profound.  But I can't even make goals when I can't think, and I can't think when I'm so overwhelmed.

So 2014 is going to be a personal journey for me.  It's going to be full of change and self-exploration, all with the goal of being happier.   You're all welcome to join in.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Last Day...

Well it's the last day here. Lots of little jobs and a few big ones left. Why am I sitting here? Because I haven't had coffee yet and there's no point doing anything until AFTER that happens.

My dragon eggs will be hatching while we're offline. We're going from fantastic unlimited cable to 56k dial-up. Bell tells us there's some add-on which might make it faster but basically they don't have good access out there. O. M. G. Hopefully a high profile politician will move in somewhere and that will change. In the mean time, please click on the pics, which takes you to each eggs page, and maybe when I'm back online they'll be hatchlings.

I've finally accepted that I have to pack up the knitting. The wool I won in the Old Mill Knitting contest came the other day -- it's from New Zealand, 70% NZ wool 30% alpaca and I'm one of the first 3 people in Canada to have it since OMK are the distributors and they just got it 2 days before me. Cool! It's lovely and soft for only 30% alpaca, with a blend of colours. It's not what I'd pick for myself, and probably won't make the sweater they sent a pattern of, but it'll be great to work with and see the colours blend. It's been sitting here for me to pet, in the bin for the more delicate wools like the 2 $24 a hank alpaca/silk from Misti that Geoff doesn't know about, the zephyr, the merino, the mohair. Sigh. Bye bye friends -- see you later....

If you come by to visit the new house and want to bring a house warming present, bring lemon meringue pie, which I've been craving. I'll make the coffee and we'll sit on the porch and indulge!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The new house walk through

We went through the new house last night -- and were both up till all hours of the morning. The family living there, and their 4 dogs, have made a horrible mess. They mowed yesterday for the first time in a month. There's piles of dog hair and dirt. She wants to leave a huge freezer in the storage room, and the broken hot tub isn't gone. Our realtor Terry spoke with theirs and made it clear they both had to go but we won't know until we move in if they've dealt with it or not. And I felt bad that I wouldn't get our garden cleaned out!

Anyway, today I'll be packing the rest of the house, and tonight we'll finish heavy stuff like the washer and drier. Tomorrow will be last minute things I've forgotten -- I'm sure they'll be plenty.

I thought today I'd take Matthew past his new school. He's excited to be taking the bus this year but it's an early start to his day. There's going to be some shock come Tuesday!

Go visit my dragons before you go. First Phlateon, my first adult dragon...

Adopt one today!

And here's a link to the scroll where you can see all the others and help them grow up!
